Upcoming New Launch Executive Condo (EC) Singapore

List of Upcoming New Launch Executive Condo (EC) for your easy reference.

List of Upcoming New Launch EC (Launching Soon)

Upcoming New Launch EC is Executive Condominiums already planned for launch soon. These are the government land plots that are confirmed or reserved for future EC site, either already tendered or pending for tender by private developers.

Are you evaluating the various executive condo options and keen to see what are the coming up EC in the near future? Not much information available yet, but you can at least get some info like where are the EC land parcels, the land cost in per square foot per plot ratio (PSF PPR), who will be the developer, the estimated EC launch date, etc.

Do keep a lookout for our latest upcoming EC sales launches and find out whether any EC developments are the ideal home that best suits your needs. The best way to stay tuned to the latest updates would be to register your interest with us. Let us feed you the important information promptly.

Upcoming EC Location Planning Area Developer PSF PPR Est. Launch
To Be Advised Yishun Avenue 9 Yishun Est. land sales in Oct 2020 To Be Advised 1st Qtr of 2022
To Be Advised Tampines Street 62 Tampines Est. land sales in 2021 To Be Advised To Be Advised
To Be Advised Tengah Garden Walk Tengah Est. land sales in Nov 2020 To Be Advised 3rd Qtr of 2022